There are several ways to lend your support to the Byrd
Annual Fund
The Annual Fund recognizes unrestricted gifts from individuals, businesses, and groups/associations across the programs and operating needs. Support the Annual Fund of the Byrd Theatre Foundation with a gift. Give online or mail your check, made out to Byrd Theatre Foundation, to 2908 W. Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23221.
Capital Projects
The Foundation is embarking on its Phase II for Restoration and Growth and you are welcome to fund projects within the $2.5 million phase.
To launch Phase Two, The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation awarded a $250,000 Challenge Grant to raise new or increased contributions and pledges across the Foundations needs. Please consider participating through an outright gift or a multi-year pledge.
The Foundation offers many sponsorship opportunities, including Family Classics, Big Screen Classics, Marathon Mondays, Holidays at the Byrd, Big Lebyrdski Fest, The 35mm Film Festival, Special Events, Newsletters, and more.
Ways of Giving
There are several ways you can make a gift to The Byrd Theatre Foundation—each responsive to your particular circumstances and each with distinct tax advantages. Gifts to capital projects are not intended to replace annual support for programs and services. The options below enable you to fulfill your wishes for the exciting projects at hand and for the ongoing annual program needs.

One-Time Gift
You may elect to make an outright gift either of cash or securities as the most direct way to give. A gift of appreciated securities, whether publicly traded or from a private company, may provide greater tax advantages than gifts of cash. The donor can deduct the current fair market value as a charitable gift, avoiding capital gains tax on the appreciation.

Multi-Year Pledge
You may choose to pledge to the organization. Pledges can be fulfilled over a period of one to five years. Here, too, gifts to the Annual Fund can be planned and pledged over the course of any special effort or campaign.

Corporate Matching Gifts
Donors can increase community support to the organization through corporate matching gifts programs. You (and/or your spouse) are encouraged to contact your employer or former employer to inquire about a matching gifts program.

Planned Gift
There are a variety of planned giving options enabling donors to fulfill their commitment or even consider a larger gift level. Options promoted include: gifts of stock, real or other personal property; or, such deferred gifts as life insurance, annuities, lead and remainder trusts and bequests.
Online Donation
Help support The Byrd Theatre's commitment to preserve the landmark Byrd Theatre while providing unique experiences for all.
Support the Byrd
Get In Touch
Contact the Development team at [email protected] for more information on gifting and partnership opportunities with The Byrd Theatre & Foundation.