What is the history of the Byrd Theatre?
The Byrd Theatre opened in 1928 in Richmond, Virginia as one of the Nation’s Grand Movie Palaces and today is listed in the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places. The 1,200-seat Byrd Theatre, named after William Byrd, one of the founders of Richmond, is one of the nation’s finest cinema treasures. The Byrd Theatre has survived the past 90 years largely unaltered in appearance or function, operating almost continuously since 1928 as a movie theatre.
In 2007 The Byrd Theatre Foundation was formed to purchase the building and begin the work of preserving this beautiful historic landmark. It is the goal of the Foundation to preserve movie-going as the big motion picture event it was in 1928 and maintain accessibility of the theatre as a community institution that engages and promotes the art of film.
Today, The Byrd Theatre shows both second run films and repertory films in our film series programming. The theatre is host to amazing film festivals and many other community events.
The Byrd Theatre Foundation's vision to restore and establish the Byrd Theatre as the premier community supported film center for Central Virginia is laid out in six key pillars of the Strategic Plan:
• Organizational Stability
• Defining the Byrd Experience
• Restoration and Renovation of the Theatre
• Programming and Partnership
• Growing the Byrd Community
• Creating a Center for Film and Film Literacy
How much are movie tickets?
Regular feature shows: $9.00/person
Family Classics: $5.00/person
Sensory-Friendly Shows: $5.00/person
Special Events: Varies, see individual events
How do I buy tickets?
Tickets are available at the box office. The box office opens 30 minutes prior to each show.
Tickets are also available online. There is a transaction fee charged by Showslinger. We also have Box Office hours Noon - 5pm Wednesday - Sunday.
We are not responsible for tickets sales for events not presented by The Byrd-This includes outside festivals and events.
Why do I stand in-line after I've bought my tickets?
The Byrd is wonderful but it is old. Our lobby is not large enough for a crowd to wait without blocking the safe egress of the patrons inside the auditorium watching the film.
What are the showtimes?
We do try to keep consistent showtimes, however the best way to keep up to date with showtimes is to visit our showtimes page.
Do you have concessions?
Yes! The best popcorn around, candy and other snacks and drinks. We ask you to refrain from bringing outside food and drink into the theatre. We also have a selection of wine and beer.
Is the theatre wheelchair accessible?
Yes. It is possible to roll a wheelchair directly in the front doors of the Byrd and into the auditorium. We offer a level platform with companion seats in the center rear of the auditorium that may be entered or exited from either of the main aisles. There is also an accessible restroom located on the west side of the lobby next to the men's restroom entrance.
Where do I park?
There is plenty of parking in Carytown! You can find street parking on Cary Street and on many of the side streets off Cary Street. There is also a dual level parking deck directly behind The Byrd Theatre off Colonial Avenue. This lot is now a paid lot, the cost is $1 for 12 hours. See Location & Directions for more information.
Please note: You may not park in the private lot alongside of Carytown Indian Cuisine or the one in front of Sen Organic across the street from the Byrd.
There is a passenger loading zone immediately in front of the theatre that is “no parking” whenever we are open, allowing you to drop off your family and friends safely before parking your car. Cars will get ticketed for parking in the "no parking" zone.
We are also conveniently located on the GRTC bus line.
When does the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ Play?
Our house organist Bob Gulledge plays the organ before nearly every film showing. He does not play for our sensory-friendly movies as well as any late night movie. Please check the showtimes calendar for changes.
How can I support the Byrd Theatre?
As a nonprofit organization, all donations to The Byrd Theatre are tax-deductible. Checks can be made out to The Byrd Theatre Foundation and mailed to 2908 W. Cary St, Richmond, VA 23221. Or visit our donation page. Your donations help us with our mission to expand the big screen experience, celebrate the art of cinema and preserve Virginia's grand motion picture palace.
You can also support the Byrd Theatre by coming to events and bringing your friends and family to experience our magnificent movie theatre.
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