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Punk The Capital: Building A Sound Movement

Rated NR 90 10.00

Thu, Oct 3rd, 2019 @ 7:00 pm

About This Movie

Directed by Paul Bishow & James June Schneider and originally released in the US on 29/06/2019


When punk rock exploded in Washington D.C., it was a mighty convergence of powerful music, friendships, and clear minds. Featuring recently unearthed Super-8 film, bands such as Bad Brains and Minor Threat, and figures such as Henry Rollins, the film explores why the sounds and ideas from this highly influential music scene continue to inspire around the world. Q and A with the filmmakers, Dan Palenski (Slickee Boys) and more!


Henry Rollins, Ian MacKaye, Alec MacKaye, Cynthia Connolly, The Slickee Boys, Jello Biafra, Joe Keithley, Howard Wuelfing, Don Zientara, Patricia Ragan