Ways to Support

While attending the Byrd absolutely helps keep the theatre operational, admission and concession sales cannot support building restoration.

The Foundation is actively working to secure an estimated $3.5 million to complete planned restoration by 2017. That will take a community effort, but we intend to give you as many was as we can, to support the Byrd beyond direct donations.




  • Byrd and a Beer – Midnight Movies refreshed with a fundraising twist.
  • Richmond’s Amazing Raise Campaign (Sep 16-17), also with a team in the 5k.
  • Bicycle Film Festival (Sep 24-25)


  • Sign up to volunteer for special events, benefits and fundraisers.

What’s next? Plenty of ideas we’re still locking down but here’s a glimpse:

  • Zombie Film Festival (Tentative, October) to coincide with the Zombie Walk tradition.
  • Screening Big LeBYRDski (Nov – RVA Beer Week) in partnership with our friends at COTU and our favorite brewski, benefiting restoration.